I'm not Ashlee Simpson, but here are some pieces of me.

The Trials and Tribulations of a 19 year old: Part Peter Pan, Part Genious.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Fake Sound of Progress.

I wish I could live my life in the game of Sims. I wish I had bars, graphs, and charts notifying me of my every need, want, and urge. I wish I had a numerical score with each person I associated with, and the ease of choosing any career path and taking a carpool to a new job every day. I wish I could sell back purchases when I'm done using them for a reduced price, and become a better cook by reading in books. I wish I could live in third person to better control my careening life.

My social bar is in the red. Fun is low. I need to gain three body skill points and one creative skill point ASAP.

Still waiting for the apartment. And I'm waiting for somebody to come along and record the instrumental part to The Higher's "Histrionics" so I can record my "Michael Jackson" parody. It's good shit, trust me.

My name's Michael Valeri, and I parody things.


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